Perfect Binding & Saddle Stitch

Perfect Binding & Saddle Stitch
04/12/2020 No Comments Uncategorized Fern

Are you looking for the best binding solution for your printing material such as books and magazine? When it comes to choose the best binding technics SADDLE STITCH & PERFECT BINDING are two most popular and common bindings.

There two are stylish and durable binds that commonly used for:

Multi page booklets
And other type of books

Perfect Bind

Perfect bind is commonly used for Books and catalogs that are having a lot of pages. Perfect bind uses hot glue and special perfect binding machine to bind the soft cover to the pages of the book.

Advantage of Perfect Binding:

Aesthetically looking nice
Durability and last long
Printing on the spine

Saddle Stitch

Saddle Stitch binding is good and suitable for small books and magazines with fewer pages than 100.

With saddle stitch technics books will be bind by stapled in the center of the paper and soft cover all together. This binding technics usually is cheaper due to not using any special glue.

Advantage of Saddle Stitching:

Less expensive binding solution
Faster turnaround time
Suitable for smaller books and magazines
Can use a self-cover or a separator

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